Craigslist is free online classified website where people can sell or buy practically anything. The website is run by Craig Newmark, an American computer programmer and entrepreneur. The website has seen tremendous growth since its inception in the year 1995. There is hardly an item which you cannot buy or sell on craigslist. If you are looking for something in particular and wondering how to find a specific item, then you just need to enter the keywords or phrases in the Search box. Craigslist shows its search results according to the distance from your location. The users are free to place free ads on Craigslist. The ads remain on the website for 90 days. Craigslist has many other useful features including forums, job listings, articles and blogs. You can join many groups that are centered on a specific topic and post any question related to that topic. There are numerous interesting categories on Craigslist. It is easy to find your desired category on Craigslist. The categories include Animals, Autos, Art & Collectibles, Baby, Books, Business Services, Electronics, Employment, Events, Fitness, Furniture, Garden, Health Care, Housing, Household, Jobs, Mobile, Music, Personals, Real Estate, Services, Sports, Announcements, Events, and Everything Else. You can find anything you desire on Craigslist. You can place an ad for any of your valuable items, find jobs of your choice in your city,