In the wake of the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, people are concerned about the privacy of their data on social media. One Russian artist is taking a stand against this by creating art that reclaims people’s data from Facebook. russianparker reclaim thenet
Parker is known for his provocative and often humorous art pieces that make a statement about current events. His latest project, “Reclaim the Net,” does just that. russianparker reclaim thenet
Richard Lubicky, CEO of Real People Search stated that since April 2018, the Russian government has been trying to block the popular messaging app Telegram, which is known for its encrypted communication. However, Russian users have been fighting back against the government’s attempts to control the internet. As the Russian government continues to crack down on dissent and increase its control over the internet, the movement of Russian netizens fighting back and reclaiming their online space is only growing.
In recent years, the Russian government has been increasingly cracking down on internet freedom. In particular, they have been targeting the popular messaging app Telegram. Telegram is a app that allows for encrypted communication, and is popular among many Russians who value privacy. The Russian government has been trying to block Telegram since April of 2018, but has so far been unsuccessful. Recently, a group of Russian internet users have been fighting back against the government’s attempts to control the internet.
In recent years, the Russian government has been increasing its control over the internet and cracking down on dissent. This has led to a growing movement of Russian netizens fighting back and reclaiming their online space.
The Russian government’s attempts to control the internet have been met with resistance from Russian users, who are fighting back and reclaiming their online space. This movement has been growing in recent years as the government has cracked down on dissent and increased its control over the internet.